Options for Dental Implant Restoration After Damage

Dental Implant Restoration Plainview, NY

Looking for information on the dental implant restoration process? Suffering dental damage that results in missing teeth is a scary experience. The good news, however, is that there are ways to replace missing teeth through a dental implant restoration. This review discusses the different options available with dental implant restoration.

Dental implant restoration options after dental damage

The first thing your general dentist will do is determine how many of your teeth need replacement. This is important as it dictates the type of replacement tooth (or teeth) that are used. The three main options for dental implant restoration are implant-supported crowns, implant-supported bridges, and implant-supported dentures.

Dental implant for a single tooth

If dental trauma occurs that results in only one missing tooth, then general dentists can replace the missing tooth with an implant-supported crown. This involves placing a dental implant, a surgical post that is placed then fuses together with the jawbone. Attached to the dental implant are an abutment and a dental crown. The dental crown is crafted to match the shade of surrounding natural teeth for a natural-looking smile. The dentist can also treat damage to surrounding teeth that are not lost with a crown or another type of restoration.

Dental implants for a section of teeth

If more severe dental trauma occurs and multiple teeth are knocked out of the mouth, then the general dentist can fix the damage with an implant-supported bridge or two (or more) implant-supported crowns. An implant-supported bridge involves one or two implants being placed into the jawbone at the ends of each side of the missing teeth section. Attached to the implants are abutments and a dental bridge, which involves several crowns or a partial denture that provides a natural appearance and reliable strength for chewing.

Full arch replacement and dental implants

Full arch replacement refers to replacing every tooth on the bottom or top row of teeth. This is often achieved through a process known as the all-on-4 technique, which involves the strategic placement of four implants. Attached to the abutments of the implants is a complete denture. Many find this option more appealing than traditional removable dentures, and implant-supported dentures are easy to care for and can last for 20 years or more before extensive repair or replacement is necessary.

How to choose the right dental implant restoration

Of course, the main factor when determining which dental implant restoration is the most appropriate is the number of teeth that are missing. A single missing tooth can be replaced with an implant crown, whereas a section or row of missing teeth requires an implant-supported bridge or dentures. In some instances, several crowns or a partial implant-supported denture are both options, in which case discussing all available options with the dentist is important.

Schedule a dental implant restoration consultation today

If you have suffered dental trauma and need tooth replacement, then contact us today to arrange a consultation visit. We can treat the initial symptoms of the dental trauma as well as help you through each step of the dental implant restoration process.

Are you considering a dental implant restoration in the Plainview area? Get more information at http://plainviewdental.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Implant Restoration in Plainview, NY.

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